WooYong Jung


My name is Wooyong Jung and I am working as master student. I'm conducting research at WINE lab of Korea University.

My research interest is to operate and develop swarm drones. Through Reinforcement Learning and Edge AI, each detailed drone will understand the overall formation, situation, and purpose of the drones and assign location movements and role performance suitable for the environment to implement swarm drone.

My research goal is to make drone combat situation and disaster relief work efficient.

Research Interests


jy17347 AT korea DOT ac DOT kr


MS, Electrical Engineering, Feburary 2023 - Present

Adviser: Professor Hwangnam Kim


Domestic Journals

C. Kyeong, W. Jung, J. Seon, Y.-G. Sun, and J.-Y. Kim

The Journal of The Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 155–161, Dec. 2021


Technical Skills
