Hwangnam Kim
Professor, Wireless Intelligence at Network Edge Laboratory
School of Electrical Engineering
Korea University
Email: hnkim AT korea DOT co DOT kr
Office: +82 2-3290-4821
Fax: +82 2-921-0544
Address: 320 Innovation Hall, 145 Anam-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 02841, Republic of Korea
Research Interests
Unmanned Vehicle System and Anti-Drone System
Deep Learning for Swarming Intelligence
Internal/External Network Virtualization
Internet of Things for Ambient Computing
Wireless Connectivity and Networking
Cyber-Physical System
Indoor/Outdoor Localization
Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, and Non-Fungible Token (NFT)
Data Augmentation and Generative Methods
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois USA (1999 ~ 2004)
Ph.D. degree in Computer Science
Ph.D. Dissertation "Enabling Theoretical Model Based Techniques for Simulating Large Scale Networks"
Adviser: Jennifer C. Hou
Seoul National University, Seoul Republic of Korea (1992 ~ 1994)
M.S.E. degree in Computer Engineering
M.S. Thesis "Design and Implementation of In-Memory Object Manager for Multimedia DBMS”
Adviser: Sukho Lee
Pusan National University, Pusan Republic of Korea (1988 ~ 1992)
B.S.E. degree in Computer Engineering
Research & Industrial Experience
Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Professor (2006 ~ Present)
Korea University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Visiting Scholar (2012)
Department of Computer Science, University of California at Los Angeles
Senior Engineer (2005 ~ 2006)
Samsung Electronics, Co. Republic of Korea
Post-Doctorate Fellow (2004 ~ 2005)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois USA
Software Engineer (2000 ~ 2001)
Bytemobile, Inc., Mountain View, California USA
Software Engineer and Senior Software Engineer (1994 ~ 1999)
LG Electronics, Ltd., R & D Center, Seoul Republic of Korea
Research Projects (representative)
Net-Drone: Improvising Network Infrastructure with Drone Fleet (Samsung Electronics Co., 2014 ~ 2016, PI)
Developing self-healing communication/security techniques using UAV fleet against cyber-physical attacks
(Korea Aerospace Research Institute, 2016 ~ 2019, PI)Energy IoT realization through smart HEMS with reliability based on non-power data
(National Research Foundation of Korea, 2015~ 2018, PI)Nano UAV Intelligence Systems Research (Agency for Defense Development, 2017 ~ 2021, co-PI)
Unmanned Swarm CPS Research (Agency for Defense Development, 2019 ~ 2023, co-PI)
Ambient Device Access over Virtualized Network (Google Inc., 2020 ~ 2022, PI)
Development of real-time location tracking technology and radiation dose prediction evaluation program for workers
(National Research Foundation of Korea, 2022 ~ Present, co-PI)
Professional Activities
Korea Information and Communication Society, Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers, The Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea, Member (2006 ~ Present)
Chair, Research Institute of Information and Communication at Korea University (2016 ~ 2018)
Technical Program Committee Chair, International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN, IEEE sponsored) (2017)
Managing Editor, Executive Editor, co-Editor-in-Chief, ICT Express journal (2015 ~ 2017, 2017~2020, 2021~2023)
Technical Program Committee Chair, DroneCAN Workshop (2016 ~ 2018)
Technical Program Committee Chair, BIC Workshop (2023)
Review Board (전문위원), National Research Foundation of Korea (2021 ~ 2023)
Chair, IEEE Seoul Section Chapter, C16 (2024 ~)
Outstanding Teaching Award (석탑강의상) (2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2015)
Best Paper Award, ICTC (IEEE sponsored) (2013)
Excellent Paper Award, ICUFN (IEEE sponsored) (2014)
Best Poster Award, ACM Mobisys (2015)
Best Editor Award, ICT Express Journal (2016)
Distinguished TPC Member Award, IEEE Infocom (2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2023, 2024)
Haedong Paper Award in Summer Conference of KICS (2020, 2024)
Best Paper Award in Spring Conference of KINGC (2021)
Outstanding Paper Award, ICONI (2022)
Best Paper Award, The Journal of Korean Institute of Communication and Information Sciences (2023.07)
Best Student Paper Bronze Award of EEE Seoul Section Student Paper Contest (2024)