
International Journals

Detecting DDoS based on attention mechanism for Software-Defined Networks

Namkyung Yoon and Hwangnam Kim

Journal of Network and Computer Applications (Top 5% Journal in Computer Science, Software Engineering in 2024), Volume 230, October,

2024, 103928, ISSN 1084-8045,

Unveiling Hidden Insights in Gas Chromatography Data Analysis with Generative Adversarial Networks

Namkyung Yoon, Wooyong Jung and Hwangnam Kim 

Chemosensors (Featured on the front page of this journal)  12, No. 7: 131.

A Multi-Stage Approach to UAV Detection, Identification, and Tracking Using Region-of-Interest Management and Rate-Adaptive Video Coding.

Dongkyu ‘Roy’ Lee, Sanghong Kim, Namkyung Yoon, Wonki Seo, and Hwangnam Kim

Applied Sciences, 14(13):5559, June 2024.

DeepRSSI: Generative Model for Fingerprint-Based Localization.

Namkyung Yoon*, Wooyong Jung*, and Hwangnam Kim

IEEE Access, Vol. 12, Pages 66196-66213, May 2024

STEAM: Spatial Trajectory Enhanced Attention Mechanism for Abnormal UAV Trajectory Detection.

Namkyung Yoon, Dongjae Lee, Kiseok Kim, Taehoon Yoo, Hyeontae Joo and Hwangnam Kim*

Applied Sciences, 14(1), 248, December 2023

Vehicular Localization Framework with UWB and DAG-Based Distributed Ledger for Ensuring Positioning Accuracy and Security

Kiseok Kim*, Sangmin Lee*, Taehoon Yoo*, and Hwangnam Kim

Electronics, Vo. 23, No. 12, Pages 4756, November 2023.

Ambient Virtio: IO Virtualization for Seamless Integration and Access of Devices in Ambient Computing

Seongjoon Park, Kiseok Kim, and Hwangnam Kim

IEEE Systems, June 2023.

Empowering Adaptive Geolocation-Based Routing for UAV Networks with Reinforcement Learning

Changmin Park, Sangmin Lee, Hyeontae Joo, and Hwangnam Kim

Drones, Vol. 7, No. 6, Pages 387, June 2023.

Efficient Computation Offloading for Ethereum DApps

Seongjoon Park, Jaeseung Lee, and Hwangnam Kim

Journal of Industrial Information Integration (Top 1% Journal in Industrial Engineering in 2023),  Vol. 31. February 2023.

Optimizing Time-Sensitive Software-Defined Wireless Networks with Reinforcement Learning

Hyeontae Joo, Sangmin Lee, Seunghwan Lee, and Hwangnam Kim

IEEE Access, Vol. 10, Pages 119496-119505, November 2022.

Enhancing Gas Detection-based Swarming through Deep Reinforcement Learning 

Sangmin Lee, Seongjoon Park, and Hwangnam Kim 

The Journal of Supercomputing, 2022, pages 1-19, April, 2022.

Drone Positioning System Using UWB Sensing and Out-of-Band Control

Sangmin Lee*, Seungho Yoo*, Joon Yeop Lee*, Seongjoon Park, and Hwangnam Kim

IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 22, Issue 6, Pages 5329-5343, March, 2022.

DAGmap: Multi-Drone SLAM via a DAG-Based Distributed Ledger

Seongjoon Park and Hwangnam Kim

Drones, Vol. 6, No. 2, Pages 34, January 2021.

DQ: Two approaches to measure the degree of decentralization of blockchain

Jaeseung Lee, Byungheon Lee, Jaeyoung Jung, Hojun Shim, Hwangnam Kim

ICT Express, Vol. 7, Issue 3, Pages 278-282, August 2021.

Survey on Anti-Drone Systems: Components, Designs, and Challenges

Seongjoon Park, Hyeong Tae Kim, Sangmin Lee, Hyeontae Joo, and Hwangnam Kim

IEEE Access , Vol. 9, Pages 42635-42659, March 2021.

VMCS: Elaborating APF-based Swarm Intelligence for Mission-Oriented Multi-UV Control

Seongjoon Park*, Hyeong Tae Kim*, and Hwangnam Kim

IEEE Access , Vol.8, Pages 223101--223113, December 2020 (* equal contribution).

Mobile Device-centric Approach for Identifying Problem Spot in Network using Deep Learning

Woonghee Lee*, Joon Yeop Lee*, and Hwangnam Kim

Journal of Communications and Networks (* Equal contribution), Vol. 22, No. 3, pages 259-268, June 2020.

Corrections to “Configuring RTK-GPS Architecture for System Redundancy in Multi-Drone Operations”

Inseop Um, Seongjoon Park, Hyeong Tae Kim, and Hwangnam Kim

IEEE Access, Vol. 8, Pages 111316-111317, June 2020 .

Configuring RTK-GPS Architecture for System Redundancy in Multi-Drone Operations

Inseop Um, Seongjoon Park, Hyeong Tae Kim, and Hwangnam Kim

IEEE Access, Vol. 8, Pages 76228-76242, April 2020.

Simplified KF-based Energy-Efficient Vehicle Positioning for Smartphones

Kwangjae Sung, and Hwangnam Kim

Journal of Communications and Networks, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 93-107, April 2020.

Patterned Cipher Block for Low-Latency Secure Communication

Seounghwan Oh, Seongjoon Park, and Hwangnam Kim

IEEE Access , Vol. 8, Pages ‏ 44632-44642, March 2020.

Adaptive TCP Transmission Adjustment for UAV Network Infrastructure

Joon Yeop Lee, Woonghee Lee, Hyunsoon Kim, Hwangnam Kim

Appl. Sci. 2020, Volume 10, Issue 3, 1161, .

Energy-Efficient Topology Control for UAV Networks

Seongjoon Park*, Hyeong Tae Kim*, and Hwangnam Kim

Energies, Vol. 12, No. 23, Pages 4523, November 2019 (* Equal contribution).

DAG-Based Distributed Ledger for Low-Latency Smart Grid Network

Seongjoon Park and Hwangnam Kim

Energies, Vol. 12, No. 17, Pages 4523, September 2019.

Ground Control System based Routing for Reliable and Efficient Multi-Drone Control System

Woonghee Lee*, Joon Yeop Lee*, Jiyeon Lee, Kangho Kim, Seungho Yoo, Seongjoon Park, and Hwangnam Kim

Applied Sciences, 8.11 (2018): 2017 (* Equal contribution).

Formation Control Algorithm of Multi-UAV-Based Network Infrastructure

Seongjoon Park, Kangho Kim, Hyunsoon Kim and Hwangnam Kim

Applied Sciences, Special Issue "UAV Assisted Wireless Communications".

Channel Quality Estimation for Improving Awareness of Communication Situation in the 2.4 GHz ISM Band

Woonghee Lee and Hwangnam Kim

IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 17.9 (2018): 2002-2013.

Protecting Download Traffic from Upload Traffic over Asymmetric Wireless Links

Hwangnam Kim*, Woonghee Lee*, Hyunsoon Kim*, Hwantae Kim*, and Jaehyeuk Michael Yang

Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2018 (2018), (* Equal contribution).

Adaptive Decision of Wireless Access Network for Higher User Satisfaction

Hyunsoon Kim, Mungyu Bae, Woonghee Lee, and Hwangnam Kim

Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2018 (2018).

CoSimulating Communication Networks and Electrical System for Performance Evaluation in Smart Grid

Hwantae Kim*, Kangho Kim*, Seongjoon Park*, Hyunsoon Kim, and Hwangnam Kim

Applied Science , 2018, 8(1), 85 (* Equal contribution).

Mobile device-centric access point monitoring scheme for handover decision triggering in heterogeneous networks

Woonghee Lee, Mungyu Bae, Hyunsoon Kim, and Hwangnam Kim

International Journal of Communication Systems, 30.18 (2017).

Future of IoT Networks: A Survey

Suk Kyu Lee, Mungyu Bae, Hwangnam Kim

Applied Sciences, 2017, 7(10), 1072, October 2017.

CEPP: Perceiving the Emotional State of the User Based on Body Posture

Suk Kyu Lee, Mungyu Bae, Woonghee Lee, and Hwangnam Kim

Applied Sciences, 2017, 7(10), 978, September 2017.

Wi-Fi Seeker: A link and Load Aware AP Selection Algorithm

Hyunsoon Kim, Woonghee Lee, Mungyu Bae, and Hwangnam Kim

IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 16 (8), pp. 2366-2378, August 2017.

Improving quality of multimedia services through network performance isolation in a mobile device

Woonghee Lee, Hyunsoon Kim, Joon Yeop Lee, and Hwangnam Kim

Multimedia Tools and Applications, 76.4 (2017): 5317-5346.

Securing mobile access with interactive image code and image key encryption

Mungyu Bae, Jiyeon Lee, Suk Kyu Lee, Hwangnam Kim

Security and Communication Networks, 9.16 (2016): 3412-3427, November 2016.

Handover Management of Net-Drones for Future Internet Platforms

Kyung-Nam Park, Jin-Hyeok Kang, Byeong-Moon Cho, Kyung-Joon Park, and Hwangnam Kim

International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 12.3 (2016): 5760245.

Enhancing base station connectivity with directional information of movement

Eugene Kim, Seungho Yoo, Hyunsoon Kim, and Hwangnam Kim

ICT Express, Volume 2, Issue 3, Pages 122-125, September 2016.

On the Necessity of VM Migration: Simulation on Datacenter Network Resources

Jongtack Jung, Kangho Kim, Hwangnam Kim

Wireless Personal Communications, February 2016, Volume 86, Issue 4, pp 1797-1812, .

Preserving privacy and efficiency in data communication and aggregation for AMI network

Mungyu Bae, Kangho Kim, and Hwangnam Kim

Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 59 (2016): 333-344, January 2016.

AFAR: A robust and delay-constrained communication framework for smart grid applications

Kangho Kim, Hwantae Kim, Jongtack Jung, Hwangnam Kim

Computer Networks 91 (2015): 1-25, November 2015.

Link-aware reconfigurable point-to-point video streaming for mobile devices 

Suk Kyu Lee, Seungho Yoo, Jongtack Jung, Hwangnam Kim, and Jihoon Ryoo

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications 12, 1, Article 9 (August 2015), 25 pages, .

Devising a user collaboration scheme to automatically generate videos

Suk Kyu Lee, Seungho Yoo, Hwangnam Kim

Multimedia Tools and Applications (2015): 1-24, February 2015.

Disabling Misbehavior with Traffic Constraints in WLANs

Hwangnam Kim, Hwantae Kim, Wonkyun Park, and Mungyu Bae

The Computer Journal, Vol 57 (12), pp. 1817-1833, December 2014.

Toward Electricity Retail Competition: Survey and Case Study on Technical Infrastructure for Advanced Electricity Market System

Mungyu Bae, Hwantae Kim, Eugene Kim, Albert Yongjoon Chung, Hwangnam Kim, Jae Hyung Roh

Applied Energy, Vol. 133, pp. 252-273, November 2014.

Designing interference-aware network selection protocol for WLAN mobile devices

Hyunsoon Kim, and Hwangnam Kim

Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, Volume 28, Issue 1, January 2017, e2890.

Exploiting User Movement Direction and Hidden Access Point for Smartphone Localization

Seungho Yoo, Eugene Kim, Hwangnam Kim

Wireless Personal Communications, Volume 78, Issue 4, pp 1863-1878, October 2014.

A Dual Mobility Model with User Profiling: Decoupling User Mobile Patterns from Association Patterns

Jinpyo Hong, Hwangnam Kim

The Computer Journal, Volume 56, Issue 6, June 2013.

An Empirical Interference Modeling for Link Reliability Assessment in Wireless Networks

Shinuk Woo and Hwangnam Kim

IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 21, Issue 1, Pages 272-285, February 2013.

A Secure Framework for Protecting Customer Collaboration in Intelligent Power Grids

Hyejin Son, Tae Yoon Kang, Hwangnam Kim, Jae Hyung Roh

IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Volume 2, Issue 4, Pages 759-769, December 2012.

Implementing Home Energy Management System with UPnP and Mobile Applications

Hwantae Kim, Suk Kyu Lee, Hyunsoon Kim, Hwangnam Kim

Computer Communications, Vol. 36, Issue. 1, Pages 51-62, December 2012.

A Fair and Secure Bandwidth Allocation for AMI Mesh Network in Smart Grid

Hyejin Son, Taeyoon Kang, Hwangnam Kim, Jong-Bae Park and Jae Hyung Roh

The Computer Journal, Vol. 55, Issue 10, Pages 1232-1243, October 2012.

Multi-sector multi-range control for self-organizing wireless networks

Jihoon Ryoo and Hwangnam Kim

Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Volume 34, Issue 6, Pages 1848-1860, November 2011.

An empirical framework for user mobility models: Refining and modeling user registration patterns

Jinpyo Hong and Hwangnam Kim

Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Volume 77, Issue 5, Pages 869-883, September 2011.

Enabling location-aware quality-controlled access in wireless networks

Hwangnam Kim, Hyun Soon Kim, Suk Kyu Lee, Eun-Chan Park, Kyung-Joon Park

EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2011:102, 2011.

Fast performance assessment of IEEE 802.11-based wireless networks

Hwangnam Kim, Eun-Chan Park, Suk Kyu Lee, and Chunyu Hu

Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Volume 53, Issues 11-12, Pages 2173-2191., June 2011.

Provisioning QoS for WiFi-enabled Portable Devices in Home Networks

Eun-Chan Park, Nojun Kwak, Suk Kyu Lee, Jong-Kook Kim, and Hwangnam Kim

KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Volume 5, Issue 4, Pages 720-740, April 2011.

TCP-aware bidirectional bandwidth allocation in IEEE 802.16 networks

Eun-Chan Park, Hwangnam Kim

Wireless Networks, Vol. 16, No. 8, Pages 2123-2138, December 2010.

A Distributed Approach of Proportional Bandwidth Allocation for Real-Time Services in UltraWideBand (UWB) WPANs

Chunyu Hu, Hwangnam Kim, Jennifer C. Hou, Dennis Chi, Sai Shankar N

IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 21, No. 11, Pages 1626-1643, November 2010.

Noncooperative carrier sense game in wireless networks

Kyung-Joon Park, Jennifer C. Hou, Tamber Basar, and Hwangnam Kim

IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications, Vol. 8, No. 10, October 2009.

A Dual Feedback Approach of Request-Based Bandwidth Allocation for Real-Time Service in Broadband Wireless Access Networks

Eun-Chan Park and Hwangnam Kim

IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 57, No. 3, Pages 610--613, March 2009.

PReSENt: A Collaboration Framework for Resource Sharing in Wireless Mesh Networks

Hwangnam Kim, E-yong Kim

IEEE Transactions on Parallel Distributed Systems, Vol. 20, No. 3, Pages 289--302, March 2009.

Modeling and Simulation Framework for Assessing Interference in Multi-Hop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

Shinuk Woo, Jinpyo Hong and Hwangnam Kim

KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, pp. 26-51, Vol. 3, No. 1, February 2009.

Enabling network calculus-based simulation for TCP congestion control

Hwangnam Kim, Jennifer C. Hou

Computer Networks Journal, Vol. 53, No. 1, Pages 1--24, January 2009.

TranSim: Accelerating Simulation of Large-Scale IP Networks Through Preserving Network Invariants

Hwangnam Kim, Jennifer C. Hou, and Hyuk Lim

Computer Networks Journal, Vol. 52, No. 15, Pages 2924--2946, October 2008.

Dimensionality Reduction based on ICA for Regression Problems

Nojun Kwak, Chunghoon Kim, and Hwangnam Kim

Neurocomputing, Vol. 71, No.13, Pages 2596--2603, August 2008.

A Cross-Layer Approach for Per-Station Fairness in TCP over WLANs

Eun-Chan Park, Dong-Young Kim, Hwangnam Kim, and Chong-Ho Choi

IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 7, No. 7, Pages 898--921, July 2008.

Angular MST-Based Topology Control for Multi-hop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

Hwangnam Kim, Eun-Chan Park, SungKee Noh, and Sung Back Hong

ETRI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 2, Pages 341--343, April 2008.

SELECT: Self-learning Collision Avoidance for Wireless Networks

Chun-cheng Chen, Eunsoo Seo, Hwangnam Kim, and Haiyun Luo

IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 7, No. 3, Pages 305--321, March 2008.

Short-term non-uniform access in IEEE 802.11-compliant WLANs: A study on its impact on the saturation performance

Chunyu Hu, Hwangnam Kim and Jennifer C. Hou

Computer Networks Journal, Vol. 52, No. 1, Pages 61--76, January 2008.

QoS provisioning for IEEE 802.11-compliant wireless networks: past, present, and future

Hwangnam Kim, Jennifer C. Hou, Chunyu Hu, and Ye Ge

Computer Networks Journal, Vol. 51, No. 8, Pages 1922--1941, June 2007.

Mixed mode simulation for IEEE 802.11-operated WLANs

Hwangnam Kim and Jennifer C. Hou

Computer Networks Journal, Vol.51, No. 6, Pages 1379--1402, April 2007.

Integrating Network Calculus Based Simulation with Packet Level Simulation for TCP-operated Networks

Hwangnam Kim

Computer Networks Journal, Vol. 50, No. 12, Pages 1995--2012, August 2006.

Improving Protocol Capacity for UDP/TCP Traffic with Model-based Frame Scheduling in IEEE 802.11-operated WLANs

Hwangnam Kim and Jennifer C. Hou

IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 22, No. 10, Pages 1988--2003, December 2004.